You dive and at the bottom of the sea a bowl: in it, a dry olive.
If a sunken life rises to the surface, what ends? Time, a dream, a tree?
Come away from here, from tales we know by heart, let master miniaturists draw us,
let’s live in paintings, let us wake to the sound of one fountain, and share one dream.
Is there a world outside the painting? Wild bitter orange trees have covered the
slopes, and if you are not there in that world between bunches of black pepper and
mulberry leaves, then I don’t exist.
Who is right in love, how does one disappear over the horizon, are they equal, the
one who stays and the one who leaves? Pass this field too, you will find another sky,
damned and just, strange, like us.
What a strange place this is, huge flowers touching the ground, banana trees, as if
one day sorrowful sentences will break, the dark-skinned world will tremble, and
return to life.
daldiginda denizin dibinde bir canak, icinde bir kuru zeytin
eger batmis bir hayat su yuzune cikarsa, ne sona erer? Zaman, bir ruya, bir agac?
Ordan uzaklas, kalpten bildigimiz hikayelerden, minyatur ustasinin biz cizmesine izin ver,
hadi tablonun icinde yasayalim,hadi gozlerimizi akan cesme suyuyla acalim ve ruyalarimizi
Boyanmis tablonun disinda bir dunya var mi? Vahsi aci portakal agaclari tepeleri kapladi
Banana Tree 2021
Digitally combined artwork 1280x1280 pixels
Polyester paper and acrylic paint on canvas
Elvan Alpay @elvanalpay
Levent Yilmaz
Explore more in Artists and Poems: Istanbul 2022
Artists and Poems: Istanbul 2022
Özge Enginöz, Özlem Zeytin, Aida Teimourlouie, Arzu Arda Kosar, Beyza Acar, Elvan Alpay, Engin Güneysu, Ferhat Özgür, Gülay Alpay, Gul Cagin, Hülya Küpcuoglu, Ilknur Demirkoparan, Mehmet Reşat Başar, Melike Kilic, Nilhan Sesalan, Pinar Derin Gencer, Yesim Agaoglu, Zafer Aracagök
About Artists and Poems: Istanbul 2022