Von: Kay (kay@he.ee)
An: info@carola-ruemper.eu
Datum: 26.01.2018 12:05
Betreff: Expertise request for unknown live form found in Estonia
Dear Miss Rümper,
a few weeks ago I found some strange objects close to my house. First I thought that it is branches, but every day they are located differently. So I think it is a live form. They have black surface, different rounding and long bulges. Sometimes they are located in the big tree close to the house (see also the attached picture). They seem to be shy, I try to make pictures, but I got just parts.
I asked at University of Tartu, Department for unknown live forms. They told me that it could be "Rümperians"(1) and there is worldwide just on expert, named Carla Rümper in Berlin, Germany.
I hope you can help me to lift this secret. I have so many questions, is communication possible, are the from outer space, what do they eat, can they survive outside (it can be very cold outside in Estonia), where do they come from?
I established an web cam close to the house and you can see there some tracks. Maybe this can help you identifying the live form and to tell me if they are Rümerians. I hope that on day I can take a picture of the life form. I attached a picture to the email.
Coincidentally I am in Berlin this weekend. It is possible to meet you and to show the pictures I made? As expert you might be very busy, but maybe I am lucky.
Impatiently and full of hope waiting for answer
Yours sincerely, Kay
Roosiku küla
Antsla vald
Võru maakond
There is an unknown kind of beings, which is investigated and documented by the artist Carola Rümper since several years. Already in her childhood, the artist found the population in the northern lowlands of Germany (a region called: Land Wursten).
They are specially shaped creatures, usually characterized by a corpus with different tentacles. Particularly striking is the black skin. The locomotion takes place in fast, agile movements to all directions.
Total counted were so far 162.341 characters. The Rümperiens live terrestrial, they are both diurnal and nocturnal.
The way a Rümperien is reacting in disorder and danger is still to be determined. So far, there were no reports of attacks on other living beings. If the Rümperiens have natural enemies and have a defense system to fight opponents, nobody cood report of until now.
The Rümperiens are very shy, however, their natural curiosity let them always penetrate into the living space of the people. Verifiable they like to be up to the vicinity of humans.
Rümperiens in Estonia
Carola Rümper @carolarumper
Expertise request for unknown live form found in Estonia
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Artists and Poems: Berlin 2021
Andreas Wolf, Aneh Ondare, Anke Völk, Ari-Pekka Leinonen, Bettina Weiß, Carlos Silva, Carola Rümper, Charlotte Bastian, Dan Allon, Dana Engfer, Daniel Wiesenfeld, Detlef Baltrock, Elisabeth Sonneck, Eva Schwab, Jürgen Kellig, Jasmine Justice, Jesse Farber, Julia Krewani, Katja Pudor, Kerstin Serz, Kuno Ebert, Majla Zeneli, Matthias Reinmuth, Meike Kuhnert, Michel Aniol, Miguel Rothschild, Mike MacKeldey, Nicole Wendel, Niina Lehtonen Braun, Oliver Möst, Ruth Wiesenfeld, Stephan Wang, Susanne Ring, Tanja Selzer, Ulrike Dornis, Vanessa Enriquez
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